MavMail is an official tactic to communicate online with the Minnesota State University, Mankato (MNSU). MavMail is a part of Office 365, including advanced software, such as OneNote, OneDrive, Excel, Microsoft Teams, Powerpoint, and many more. All the software is available for you as a student, staff or faculty member of MNSU.
At this platform, University provides all the crucial information, And It’s pertinent to check it at least once a day for class information and updates about the MNSU. It is available on mobile devices; you can easily set up or download it on your Apple or Android device.
About Mavmail MNSU
Minnesota State University, Mankato (MNSU or MSU), also known as Minnesota State, is a public university in Mankato, Minnesota. It is the second-largest University in the State and the second oldest member of the Minnesota State College and University system. It was established as the second State regular school in 1858, designed in Mankato in 1866, and officially opened as Mankato Normal School in 1868. Minnesota State offers 130 undergraduate programs of study, 75 graduate programs, and four doctoral programs.
MavMail Advantages
MavMail is very beneficial for all the students, staff or faculty members because through this:-
- Students can communicate with their classmates or professors in the University.
- Gain the most updated information regarding their classes and other events of the University.
- Get the information about school life and MNSU, therefore balancing school life and personal life.
- Staff or faculty members also get an online platform to explore students and themselves.
- It is a free service, and you can access your MavMail Account anytime and anywhere.
Now, as you know about the Minnesota State University, Mankato, Mavmail, its advantages, let’s talk about the login process of the MavMail Account. To login, first, you need to fulfil some.
Mavmail Login Requirements:
- MavMail login web address
- StarID and StarID Password of your MavMail Account
- Updated internet browser
- PCs, Laptops, Apple or Android devices with reliable and stable internet connections.
What is my Star ID?
The StarID is a username to replace your many login IDs with one ID, one password, at all the Minnesota State colleges and Universities system institutions. To use it, first, you need to activate it. Follow the steps below:-
- Sign in to MavMAIL/Office 365 with:
- Your MavMAIL/Office 365 password is the same as your StarID password
- Sign in to MavMAIL/Office 365 with:
- Your MavMAIL/Office 365 password is the same as your StarID password
How to activate Star ID?
You can easily create your StarID by following these steps:
- Go to the StarID Self Service-
- Click on “Activate Your StarID
- The new page will display five option
- Choose the first option “I know my TechID (8 Digits student ID)
- Enter your student ID and college/ university in Minnesota.
- Now, click continue to activate your StarID and create your password
- Crete and confirm a password
- Select your preferred email address
- To acknowledge the Data Stewardship Responsibility, select the checkbox
- Click “Activate StarID”
How to login to MavMail?
To get access to the MNSU email account, first, you need to reach the above requirements; after that, you can follow these easy steps:-
- Visit the official website at
- Click on the “Login To Office 365/ MAVMAIL”
- Use the appropriate credential for students
- Enter your StartID at [email protected] and click Next.
- Now, type your StarID password
- Click “Sign In”
- Then click the outlook icon
How to change my StarID Password?
If you do not know your password or your password is not working:
- Visit the website “”
- Select the “StarID Self Service” link, then select “Reset Password.”
- Select one of the options on the next page (Tech ID, Email Address…)
4. Enter the requested information and set your password.
If you know your password:
- Visit the website “”
- Select the “StarID Self Service” link, then select “Manage Profile.”
- Login to the StarID Self Service Login page with your current StarID password
- Enter your old password and new password into the text boxes.
- Select the “Apply” button in the “Change Password” section.
What is the difference between an Email login and an Email address?
Most people get confused between their Email login and Email address and make big mistakes. There is a massive difference between email login and email address such as:-
- Email login is your [email protected], which is used for logging in to your MavMail account and not listed in the directory.
- But, your Email address is the public address associated with your Account and listed in the directory.
- Email login is confidential information that is not safe to share.
- Because your Email address is public, there is no restriction about sharing it.
- Email login (StarID) can be found at StarID Self Service and
- your Email address will be found after logging into MavMail:>click on profile photo>My Account
How can I Setup Mavmail on Android?
To set up MavMail on your Android device, follow the steps below:-
With “Office 365”
- Go to the “Settings” of your Smartphone
- Visit your Account and press “Add Account.”
- Select the Email and click Office365
- Type your MavMail email address and StarID password
- A screen will display with the permission request; tap “Accept.”
- Scroll through the settings and change any options to your preference. Scroll down and click “Next.”
- After pressing “Accept,” your mail account will all be set up
With “Exchange”
- Open your device “Settings” section.
- Go to your “Accounts” and tap “Add Account.”
- Select Email and press “Exchange.”
- Enter your Email address (MNSU email address) as requested. [email protected] for students and [email protected] for employees
- The screen will ask you to apply security features; press “Apply.”
- Scroll through the settings and change any option as per your choice;
- once you have selected, scroll down and click “Next.”
How do I set up my ios device with MavMail?
You can easily update the ios Mail application on an iphone or iPad with these steps:-
- Go to the “Settings” of your device
- Select “Mail”
- In “Mail”, press “Add Account.”
- Choose “Exchange”
- Enter your StarID as per your section. Student, alum and emeriti [email protected] and name of this Account
- Staff or faculty member [email protected], and name of this Account
- Tap “Sign In”
- Type your StarID password and choose “Sign In” again
- Verify that a new Account exists
- Select your Mail application or the outlook app, and tap “Mailboxes.”
- To view emails from that Account, select “MinnState or MSU Email.”
- It will take some time to sync completely.
How do I access my MavMail, Outlook Calendar, and Onedrive From D2L Brightspace?
The Office365 widget on the MNSU D2L Brightspace homepage lets you view the above files. To login to the Office 365 widget in MNSU D2L Brightspace, follow the steps below:-
- Using the Mozilla Firefox browser, navigate to MNSU D2L Brightspace at
- Login with your StarID credentials
- On a laptop or desktop computer, below the My Courses, at the right-hand side of the screen.
- You will find the Office 365 widget.
- Click “Sign in to your Office 365 Account”
- A new window will open; in the text box, enter your email address. Click “Next”
- Students and emeriti Sign in with [email protected]
- Now, you will see the icons of MavMail, Outlook, and OutDrive. Click the icon to open the services in a new tab.
- You can also display your Email, calendar appointments and OneDrive files in the widget
- Below the icon, click the arrow in the grey bar.
- Select the tab you wish to view
- To collapse the display again, click the up arrow in the grey bar at the bottom of the widget.
Campus Hub
- Phone: 1-507-389-1866 (V), 1-800-722-0544 (V)
- Fax: 1-507-389-2227
- Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address
Campus Hub
Minnesota State University, Mankato
117 Centennial Student Union
Mankato, MN 56001
- IT Solution
- phone : 1-507-389-6654 (V)
- Email: [email protected]
Mailing Address
IT Solutions
Minnesota State University, Mankato
3010 Memorial Library
Mankato, MN 56001
Official USPS Address:
Minnesota State University, Mankato
228 Wiecking Center
Mankato MN 56001-6062
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Can I get a new Star ID?
The Star ID is random and computer-created, it can’t be
controlled what it will be, and it can not be changed. You can not get a new StarID; you should write it or remember it for future use.
Q. How do I find my Tech ID?
Your Tech ID is also called “Student ID” it is an eight-digit number that identifies a person’s record in ISRS, the primary record system used by Minnesota State; if you need your Tech ID, this can be found in E-service at
Q. What are the password requirements?
The password complexity requirement associated with the StarID complies with the Minnesota State password security guideline. Passwords must meet or exceed these criteria:
- Changed at least every 180 days.
- Between 8 and 128 characters long.
- Use at least 3 of these characters: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, special characters.
- It may not have been used before.
- Your password may not contain your first name or last name if they are longer than two characters.
Special characters include characters like these: !@#$%^&*()_+=-`{}[]|:”;'<>,.?/
Wrapping Up
That was all about the MavMail – Minnesota State University, Mankato. In this article, we have provided all the information about MavMail. I hope you get all the answers to your queries, and you liked this article. I hope this article may help you to nurture yourself. In case you face any difficulties, don’t hesitate to contact the authorities and feel free to ask in the comment box. Thanks
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