University of New Mexico Email Guide | Lobomail and Login Guide

Lobomail – The University of New Mexico has a unique feature called lobomail. It is a feature using which a student or a faculty member can get the details they need to know. This lobomail feature is based on Microsoft Exchange Online, which is accessible by university students and staff members. Students who have enrolled themselves at the university get this lobomail account. Even all the faculty staff gets lobomail accounts for their use.


Login instructions at lobomail

If you already have an account at the University portal, you can quickly login at the lobomail. Suppose you cannot access it if you are not an enrolled student at the university. To access the lobomail, you have to first enroll yourself at the university. If you have your user id and password with you, let’s get started with the login process.


Step 1: Go to the web browser from your device.

Step 2: In the search box, you have to enter the web address we provide you below.

Step 3: The above-given web address will take you to a page where you must enter your email address.

Step 4: Enter the web address of your existing account with the lobomail.

Step 5: Press the next button and proceed further in the article.

Step 6: On the next page, you have to type your account password.

Step 7: Click on the submit button to reach the dashboard.

Shortly after pressing the submit button, you will reach the dashboard, where you can see all your mails and calendar information.

University of New Mexico

The University of New Mexico is also known as The National Autonomous University of Mexico, and it was formerly known as the Royal and Pontifical University of Mexico. The University of Mexico has a motto that says, ‘For my race, the spirit shall speak.’

Most importantly the New Mexico University is a public research university set up on 21st September 1551. The Endowment of the University is about 2.4 billion dollars. About 41,318 staff are working in the University. All the recent reports and surveys say that approximately 4,00,000 students enroll themselves in the University for further studies. It is a massive number of students in any university. Of these four lakh students, 2,50,000 students are undergraduates, and the remaining 1,50,000 students are postgraduate students. The campus is vast and expanding in about 7.3 km3.

Features of lobomail

All the community members can get the calendar information and email within 50 GB of storage. It is a feature that occupies significantly less space in your device and provides you with every necessary facility. There is another element called Sophos PureMessage, and this element helps filter spam. You can send the spam marked as an attachment to [email protected].

Can a user set up their android device to access lobomail?

A user who wants to access lobomail can set up their device for the further use of lobomail. It is a quick guide using which you will be able to set up your Android device for accessing the lobomail. Follow the instructions mentioned below-

  1. Firstly, Turn on your device.
  2. Secondly, Go to the application store from your device.
  3. Search the outlook application for your Android device.
  4. Once you get the application, you have to press the install button to download it on your device.
  5. After it gets downloaded on your device, you have to open the application.
  6. Open the app and go to the menu.
  7. It will show you different options. Choose the setting option from the option appearing there.
  8. Click on the add account option.
  9. Proceed further and press the email account button then.
  10. A new screen will appear on your device.
  11. On the new screen, you will see questions arising there and if you want to add your Google account with your Android device. Skip if you do not wish to add the google account.
  12. Enter the email address and press the continue button on the next page.
  13. Enter the password then.
  14. Tap the sign-in button.
  15. There will be a few prompts that you need to follow.

After following the prompts, you will verify your identity, and you can now access the lobomail on your device.

How can you set up your Apple device for lobomail?

Suppose you have an Apple device, and if you want to access lobomail on your device, you can follow the below-mentioned instructions.

1) Switch on your ios device first.

2) You have to visit the application store then.

3) You have to search for the outlook application in the play store.

4) Open the application to download.

5) Click the Install button then.

6) Enter the email address then.

7) Press the option for adding the account.

8) Go to the menu then.

9) Click on the settings.

10) Tap on the add account option button.

11) Press the email account then.

Note: The above instructions are for those new people on this platform. If you are not a new user, then follow the below-mentioned steps.

12) Enter the email address.

13) Type in the password then.

14) You may receive a prompt for your identity verification. Act accordingly for accepting the permission required.

The outlook and your account are now ready to use.

How to set up a kindle fire for accessing the lobomail in the device?

If a user wants instructions on setting up kindle fire to access lobomail, they are at the right place. Use the mentioned instructions and set up your kindle fire for the lobomail.

1) To start with the setup of lobomail, you have to click on the email icon given there.

2) Click on the start button.

3) Press the option for others.

4) It will take you to a window where you have to enter a few credentials.

5) Type the email address in the space given there.

6) Fill in the password then.

7) You will see an option saying IMAP.

8) The user has to make a few changes here.

9) You have to change your IMAP server to

10) Change the security type to SSL.

11) You have to change a few more things listed below.

  • Change the authentication type to plain.
  • Choose port 993, then.
  • You have to ensure that your wifi and mobile are proper. Check to ensure.
  • There will be an option for the IMAP prefix, and you have to leave it blank.

12) Press the next option button.

13) The user has to change the SMTP server and set it up to

14) Change the security type then. You have to set up the security to TLS again.

15) Keep the authentication type to automatic and port587.

Note: Check if they request you to sign in to the page or not. If yes, then sign in to the page.

16) Fill in the email address.

17) Enter the password then.

18) Press the next button.

19) You can also change the folder poll frequency. Change it if you wish to change the poll frequency.

20) Click on the Next button to proceed further.

21)Lastly,  Fill in the details. Type your display name and the account name on the page.

Following these above-given steps, you will be able to set up your kindle fire for using the lobomail on your device.

How to log in at the University of New Mexico?

To log in at the University of New Mexico, you have to follow the following mentioned steps-

1) Use the link which we have mentioned below.

2) Using the above link, go to the website’s login page.

3) On the login page, you have to enter the details they ask for and proceed further.

4) Enter the NetID and the password in their appropriate columns.

5) After entering all the details, you have to press the login button to proceed further.

The above is the small procedure to log in to the university portal. Follow the steps and make a successful login on the website.

How to reset the password of the University of New Mexico account?

When we have forgotten the password of the university account, we can get it back by resetting it again. Follow the below-given steps to reset your password for the university account.

1: Firstly, Go to the login page of the university first.

2: There will be an option for changing your account password that you have to press.

3: After pressing the change button, you will reach a new window screen.

4: On the new screen, you have to fill in the details that the page is asking from you.

5: There will be a menu button.

6: Using the menu button, you have to visit the option that says ‘I do not remember my password

7: Tap on the login to UNM NetID.

8: Enter the user id and press the forget my password button.

9: After that, you will get prompts to follow, and after following these prompts, you will get your password back.

How to get an unofficial transcript using Loboweb?

If you are a current student of the University of Mexico or even if you are an alumnus, but if your account is active, then you can use the below-given method to get a pdf of your transcript. Below is a complete guide for getting a transcript.

1: Firstly, Visit the university’s official website using the link we are giving to you above in the article.

2: Secondly, Log in to your account using the Net ID and the password.

3: Thirdly, There will be an option for Student Life. Click on that option.

4: On the next page, you will see an option for Loboweb.

5: The new screen will have an option for Registration and record.

6: Press the advertisement transcript – UNM.

7: Click on the submit button then.

8: After submitting the file, you will receive the pdf of your transcript, and it will come to your UNM email account.

These are the steps that you should follow for getting the transcript. It is easy to get a transcript from the university website when you are a current student.

How can a former student get a transcript?

Those who have left the university can also get the transcript. You follow the mentioned steps and get the transcript in your mail.

1: Go to the below-mentioned link to visit the form page directly from your device.

2: Press the form option displaying there.

3: You will see an option for the student form on the next page. Press that button then.

4: Press the button for transcript and make a transcript request.

5: You have to follow the instructions displayed after that.

6: The request you have made will take a few business days.


In this paragraph we are talking about Lobocard. The University of Mexico issues this lobocard to faculty members, students and staff. It is for building security and for better university services. This lobocard is a sign of a unique identity among people, and the card plays a vital role in the campus while identifying people. Suppose you want to issue a book from the college library then, this identity lobocard plays an important role.

If you do not have this lobocard with you, you can issue a book from the library. Suppose you wish to issue a book from the library in your name. This card is a must-have. To purchase lunch from the SUB, you must have this lobocard with you. The students get this lobocard free after taking admissions at the university, and the card costs no charge while you are taking it from the administration for the first time.

But if you have misplaced the card, you should have to pay 30 dollars to get a new card for use. Even if the lobocard got damaged somehow, you have to change the card and pay a sum of ten dollars to the management for getting a new card. Another service that it provides is that you can change your name on the card, but you need to pay ten dollars as a service charge.

Uses of the lobocard –

It is advantageous within the campus of Mexico. A student Or a faculty member can use the card to pay for their food, and a user can pay for their textbooks using the same lobocard. Other than these uses, you can pay for the printing and fan gear and can do many more things out of the card. This lobocard is also helpful for the students in various residence halls, labs, and buildings.

Final words

The article was all about lobomail. Lobomail is a feature that the students and faculty of the University of Mexico use for their convenience and various purposes. Finding a place where you get all the instructions for setting up your device for accessing the lobomail is difficult. But this is the right place to visit. I am assuring you that you must have got all the answers to your questions. In this article, we have defined the lobomobile first.

Before you do anything, you should know what you are doing. After that, we gave you the instructions on logging into the lobomail. Use the above-given instructions and login to the lobomail, and check whatever you want to get because you will get everything you want from there. This article has information about the lobocard as well. We have described how and where you can use the lobocard. I hope you like the article and if you like it, please leave comments below in the comments section. Also, if you have any queries regarding the article, you can leave them in the comment box. We would love to hear from you.

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