vUWS Login : V In vUWS stands for Virtual. vUWS is pronounced “views”and is built on Blackboard. It is a learning management system of Western Sydney University (UWS) that provides various online learning tools. Most of your subjects and programs may have a vUWS site, Your vUWS may be updated at any time, check your vUWS site regularly during the term. This portal is available for students, staff and faculty members. 100% lectures and units have Vuws presences ,you may find that each side that you access has different online learning activities.
About vUWS
After login once, you will get access to all the units and course related sites which you have enrolled. For viewing your vUWS site, first you must enrol yourself fully. If you have any outstanding fees or you have not paid your SSAF yet, you will lose your access to your vUWS sites until the limitation is lifted. You should spend some time becoming familiar with vUWS.
Advantages of vUWS Portal
- It provides all the information regarding academics
- All vUWS sites are different, you will find something new in every site
- It explores your sites and provides information such as; unit outlines, learning guide, discussion board, assessments, tasks,announcements and study resources.
- If you face any troubles, it provides guide and interactive resource functions, that will help you quickly
- The Blended learning team is also available to provide technical help.
- Through this student can collaborate virtually with their classmates and instructors such as; online group, discussion board etc.
Let’s Log Into vUWS
- Go to the official website of vUWS, navigate to the vUWS page at
- Click on “Sign in using” and select “Student Account” from the drop-down menu.
- You will reach to the UWS Microsoft login page
- Enter your Western Account student ID number for example : [email protected]
- Click next and enter your Western Account Password
- To access your account, click on “Sign In”
- You can also login by using MyWestern and accessing vWSU from the main menu or by clicking on the vUWS link which is on the top of the University homepage.
- Use your Western Account ID number with password to login
Facing challenges while logging into vUWS
Are you facing difficulties logging into the vUWS portal?
Follow given steps:-
- First, you need to check that the website you are using is correct or not. The right official website to login is
- Make sure that you have working and stable internet connection
- Re check your username and password, if the website has an option to preview the password; you that and crosscheck
- If your password has not required character and letters, off the CAPS LOCK, than enter your password
- Don’t use VPN because some sites does not support it and frown while login
- If all the aboves check out but you still facing troubles to login to vUWS Portal, you may use the forgot password feature
- If the password is also not working, please contact the Service Desk or site administrator for further assistance.
About MyWestern
MyWestern is a student portal, it is an entry point to the applications, systems, and notifications which you will need at Western Sydney University. Through this, you can stay updated with important news and events, check email, access Office 365 applications like word and student systems like vUWS.
How to Activate Western Account?
Your Western Account provides you to access essential Western Sydney University IT service securely. To activate your Western Account follow steps below:
- If you are a student so enter your student number, or if you are an employee, enter your staff number
- Accept the terms and conditions
- Including your password, secret question and answer, fill the give form
- Click the “Activate” button, if you have successfully activated your Western Account, you will receive a message
- Now your account is activated, enter your student/ staff number
- Click continue to manage your account, through this you can do these things:-
- Check your account status
- Change your password
- Update your security questions/ answers
Password :
Your vUWS password is essential to log into your Western account, make sure that your vUWS password should include fewer than 12 characters to work appropriately. You must protect it from hackers. For securing your password, you must change your password at least once in 365 days. If you haven’t changed it and are facing troubles while login, go to the “About your Western Account” page to check your account or to change your password, if required.
How to access vUWS Blackboard app via mobile phones?
- First, visit the app store for your device
- Search for Blackboard
- Now install and run the app
- On the app, search for Western Sydney University
- Enter your Western Account number and password to login
- After logging in, you can take advantage of the vUWS Blackboard app.
- Don’t forget that Blackboard app may not access all key learning and assessments activities in a vUWS site.
About UWS Email
Western Sydney University provides a free email account to all the University students. This is the official way of communicating with the University. Your all pertinent information such as; your enrollment, exams, results, graduation and vital news and information about the University, will be sent to you by UWS Email. You must check your email regularly, for receiving all the information and for giving your declaration on the students affairs. If you don’t check your email you will miss the important information regarding your enrolments and academics. To contact the University by emails, you must use your Western Sydney University student email account.
MyStudent Records (MySR)
MySR stores all your records, it also helps to enroll, change enrollment, keep your contact details up to date, check your fees and your result. To access MySR :-
- Navigate to
- Enter your username and password
- Then click continue to access your academic records
To register for subjects
You can register for your subject through MySR, for registering follow the steps bellow :-
- First, you need to log into MySR with your student email and account password
- Select “Register in Subjects” on the middle tile of the MySR.
- On the registration page, select Register for subjects
- Now, select the term or semester which you like
- Ensure that your study path is selected
- The subject you need, enter that subject code and title in the search field and click “Search”
- You can check the details of the subject
- Choose subject by clicking the Add button
- From here, you can select and add other subjects as well by clicking on the “Search Again”
- After adding the subject, at the bottom right hand corner of the page there is a Submit button; click that
- You will receive a notification after completing the procedure
To withdrawal the subjects
To drop the subject without any penalties or debt, you need to drop your registered subject from MySR before the current semester’s listing date.
- First log into MySR
- Go to the register in subjects tile
- Open the Register for Subjects page
- Select your term,and semester
- Your program will appear on the study path field, click continue
- You can view all the registered subject through the summary section of the page, for withdrawing the subjects click on the down arrow at the action column
- Select either drop web (dropping the subject before listing date), or drop medical reasons (medical reason would not allow you to complete this subject)
- Click submit
The Allocation Process
The allocation process is all about that how you are placed into your classes, in class registration (Allocate+) involves three stage approach :-
- Preference – you will have a period of time to submit your selected classes according to your preference. You can see the deadline on the Class Registration webpage, after the closing date you will be placed into your classes. You will then log into Class Registration ( Allocate+).
- Allocation adjustment – once placement has finished, additional places may be available and class registration will open for a period of time when students can make changes to their timetable if they wish. Select your classes on time, if all remaining places of a class time have been filled, you will not be able to select the option.
- Automatic Placement – before term begins, any student who has not yet engaged with the system or put in preferences/selected classes in the allocation adjustment period, will be automatically put into any remaining places available. When the class registration system switches to read only, you will be able to log into Allocate+ and view the details but you can not make changes.
What if you haven’t been allocated?
If you did not enter your preference before the advertised deadline or you were not allocated a class, you will need to select your classes from the available place. This option will be on a basis where the option to change into a class time will no longer be available when all remaining places have been filled. This must be completed at least one week before the relevant teaching term starts. In the week before the teaching term starts, the students who did not allocate themselves will be added to any available place, this means if you don’t enter your own preference; you will not have any choice in your class times.
Groups in vUWS
Group work is a pertinent feature of the process of teaching and learning. Student groups can easily set up using the group tool in vUWS. This is the best place, where students can collaborate and learn together. Lecturers and students can communicate and share their views here without any hesitation.
How to enrol in Self-enrol groups?
For joining the group in vUWS, self-enrollment allows you to use a sign-up sheet. Teaching staff will need to make a sign-up sheet available on the group page or in the content area for enrolling you in a group. If you are not able to find the link on vUWS site, You can ask your tutor or lecturer for the link.
Follow the step below for enrolling into a self-enroll group from vUWS :-
- First, login and navigate to vUWS site
- Now locate the link and access the link for group page
- If your lecturer has made a group’s content area, it will be available from the menu on the left hand side
- Or, if student tools available, you can access through it
- Now you can click sign up to sign up for the self-enrol group
- Here, you can view the sign up sheet with all the details related to the group such as; group name, any instruction given by lecturer and group members.
- To confirm sign up process, click the button “Sign-Up” on this page
- After sign-up, you will see the group homepage
- You can not take your enrolment back if once you have signed up for a group, you can take help from your lecturer.
Non- monitor online exams on vUWS
Non-monitor exams are done online through vUWS, without any supervision by live or AI supervision. You are not needed to register or schedule your exams ahead of time. Your subject coordinator may require additional resources to set your vUWS exam such as; Zoom, Google meet etc.
Steps for commence your online examination on time :-
- Before logging into vUWS check your browser is compatible or not, update it
- Before starting the exam set-up all the required things and open your vUWS site and log in, when question paper will come you can download it quickly
- Check your internet connection, it should stable otherwise it will affect your timing
- From the WSU page log into vUWS
- Click on the subject which you have an exam
- Now locate your exam in the “Assessment Zone” titled “Final Examination”
- Before attempting your exam, do not forget to read the examination instructions
- If you are not able to see the exam link, keep refreshing the browser page
Help and Support
Tech help
- Teaching staff : if you have any query, first you should ask your teaching staff. You can take their help for exploring the vUWS sites, learning guides and other provided resources to find out what is the curriculum and duration of the tasks
- E-learning service desk : The E-learning service desk assists students and staff using vUWS. It is open from 8:00 am to 6:00pm Monday – Friday
To contact to E-learning service desk ;phone (02) 9852 5252 or email [email protected]
IT Service Desk :
IT service desk helps students related to Tech. query, in this service desk there is a portal called MyIT portal which is gateway to IT services available at Western Sydney University.
MyIT is available all the time, even if there is a holiday at University you can still access.
MyIT portal :
Email : [email protected]
Phone : (02)9852 5111 or ext 5111
vUWS Support
vUWS support provides help to students, there are quick guides and interactive resources for many of the functions you will encounter in vUWS. The Blender Learning Platform team is also athere to provide technical assistance with vUWS. These resources can be found in the vUWS information for students site within vUWS.
You can also take help from :
– My Student Record
– Library (turnitin & off campus access)
– ipad support
Support services
- Student Central
- Counselling, mental health and wellbeing and disability
- Legail, Financial and advocacy
- Student Welfare Service
- Career advice, jobs and workshops
- Indigenous support and international support
- Security
If you face any challenges, take help from vUWS Service desk. It will provide full support to you. Through this article we have provided vital information and the features of vUWS. Contact service desk only when you have a big issue or you are not getting help from anywhere.
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